5 Factors in Selecting the Best Digital Signage

The use of Digital Signage is increasing day by day, be it office spaces, retail shops, shopping malls, or just about any other organization. The many benefits of digital signage, be it window-facing digital signage or indoor signage, include enhanced communications among the staff or colleagues, increased footfall, increased customer interaction, enhanced visual appeal of areas, and so much more. Due to this rapid growth, naturally there is a wide variety of digital signage solutions available in the market. To make sure that you are making the right choice as per your needs when selecting the perfect digital signage, it is important to consider five crucial factors. These factors are described as follows:


One of the first and foremost things to consider while considering investing in digital signages is the intended location of the signage. Indoor signages will require very different maintenance than that of outdoor signages. Along with that, how these window advertising screens need to be secured should also be considered. Whether they will be mounted on a wall or fixed to the floor, whether they will be stationary or movable, these points should be considered as well. In case of outdoor signages that will face direct sunlight, it is important to keep in mind that the signage has automatic brightness adjustment sensors installed within.

Screen and Size

The next factor to consider while purchasing a digital signage for your use should be the screen type and its size. It completely depends upon the intended use of the signage and its location. For example, if the screen is going to be mounted higher up on the wall, its size needs to be bigger for the information to be visible to the people around.


The next factor on this list is content. The whole purpose of using these window advertising screens is to enhance communication and grab the attention of people. The chosen digital signage should be compatible with the content that it would be displaying. The content could be in the form of text, videos or even interactive if you choose touch screen digital signages.

Aesthetic Setting

Every space that is adorned with digital signage is different. The signage used in a school would differ from that in a restaurant that uses it to display its menu, the signage for a stand-alone salon will differ from that in a shopping mall. So, it is important that whichever digital signage you choose, goes well with its surrounding environment to create a sense of harmony, which is what attracts the attention of people.

Operations and Technicalities

Last but far from the least on this list is operations and technicalities of the digital window signages. How long do you intend for them to stay operational? What type of media do you need it to support? Does it align well with your business objectives? These are a few questions that you need to have answers for before investing in digital signages.


Screenage has all the solutions for your digital signage needs. Feel free to contact in case of any queries to have them resolved expertly with the help of their professional and well-equipped team.


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